"I first got bitten by the mail order bug in the mid-1960's. What really got me fired up was reading a little set of booklets called The Direct Mail Guides written by a man named Thomas Hall. Those guides were terrific. They remain, to this day, the very best material I've ever read on the subject of direct mail." – Gary Halbert
"I Spent Three Years and Thousands of Dollars To Find This Rare, Valuable And Near-Mythical Marketing Treasure....

...And This Is An Honest-To-God, Once-In-A-Lifetime Chance For You To Get A Copy For Your Own Use!"
from the desk of Tony Rush

Dear Friend,

This may be the strangest letter I've ever written.

In fact, I honestly thought about not writing it at all (for reasons I'll explain below)...

But, today, I'm going to invite you to share in a genuine treasure for which I've been searching for over three years....and earlier this year, I found it. 

I'm inviting you to share in my good fortune but, at the same time, I'm 100% content to enjoy the spoils of my find all by myself.

In just a moment, you'll know why.  But first, let me explain...
How I Stumbled Into A Real-Life Mystery...Searching For A Mythical Book That I Wasn't Sure Even Existed...
If you've been around marketing/copywriting for any length of time at all, you know one of the 'tricks of the trade' is to go back to the "old masters".  

Dig up proven methods and strategies from 40, 50, 60 and even 100 years ago.  

Many of us have had great success by learning from marketing legends like Eugene Schwartz, Claude Hopkins, John Caples, Leo Burnett and more.  

I'm sure you've heard many of these names and maybe you've learned from them as well.  But this letter is NOT about  them.

Instead, I want to tell you how I stumbled across a real-life mystery that resulted in one of the rarest and most valuable resources you'll ever hear about in the world of marketing....

There's one marketer whose name I won't mention just yet.....but he's a hero of mine.  I've studied his work for years and, to the best of my knowledge, I own everything he's ever produced.  

It would be impossible to overstate how much of an impact this marketer has had on my career.

It's important you know this in order to understand what got me so excited.

Just like a painter who has studied every Monet painting that Monet ever produced...  
Or a guitarist who has listened to every single note that Eddie Van Halen ever recorded....
Or a photographer who's studied every photograph shot by Ansel Adams....

...I've know this man's work like the back of my own hand.  

Or, at least I thought I did.

But, back in March of 2015, I was reading through some old articles by this amazing marketer....

...and I saw something that made me freeze in my tracks.

There, near the bottom of the page in one of his newsletters, there was a tiny 4-line paragraph in which he openly said...

"I learned everything I know about marketing from __________"
8 Words and A Man's Name I'd Never Heard Before!
How had I missed this?

I must have read that article a dozen times over the years.  

But, here, in black-and-white was the most glowing endorsement that my marketing mentor could have given anyone:  the name of the man who taught him.....a name I'd never heard in over 20+ years of  studying marketing.

My friend, I don't know about you....but when a man who's sold hundreds of millions of dollars of products and services says, "I learned everything I know from this man....".....

...you break every speed-limit trying to find out who that person is and how you can learn from him, too!

So, imagine my surprise when I started searching for this "Mystery Man" and found....

Mr. X Was A Phantom!
I looked everywhere I could find.  

I started with Amazon.  Nothing.
I went to Abebooks.  Nothing.
I searched the Library of Congress.  Nothing.

I did the usual "deep dive" Google search and found only FIVE mentions of this man's name....and ALL of them were from people like me.  People who had heard Mr. X's name in hushed whispers...and who, like me, were searching for more information.

It was like my "Mentor's Mentor" didn't exist.

As much as I hated to "show my cards", I eventually turned to other marketers to ask if they knew anything. 

"Have you ever heard of a marketer by this name?" 
"Have you ever seen any letters written by a man named ____________?"
"Have you ever heard of this book?"

Nothing.  In fact, most people had no idea what I was referring to.
I Even Hired A 'Detective' To Track Him Down!
Did you know there's such a thing as a "book detective"?  It's true! 

Their job is to locate hard-to-find books from private collectors, defunct publishing companies, etc.

So I hired one.  The most they were able to find was that the man was definitely American and, at some point, worked out of Tokyo.  But, all my inquiries in that direction were met with silence...

It was like asking for directions to Shangri-La. Or the Holy Grail.  

Along the way, I picked up snippets and rumors.   Some guy who claimed to have seen the book but lost track of the guy who had it.  Another guy who said he had a copy of the book but wouldn't reply when I asked for a photograph.

Legends.  Myths.  And maybe goose-chases.

One story that kept me moving forward, though (which I later verified to be true) was that at one point, in the late 1970s, Mr X. generated....
Over $500,000 In One Week From A Single Sales Letter!
This is a massive success by any standard.  

Let's put that into perspective.  He did this in the 1970s when a dollar bill was as big as a bedsheet!  

In today's dollars, that one sales letter brought in over $2.1 MILLION in a single week!  And he did this multiple times, over and over and over.

His legend was getting bigger and bigger in my mind...but I still couldn't find him.

This went on for just over three years.  

Sometimes I'd give up the search and put it aside.  Then, a few months later, I'd pick up the search again, determined to find this elusive "Mr. X".
At One Point, I Was Convinced That It Was All Just A Twisted Scavenger Hunt And That He Never Existed!
One day, I thought, wouldn't it be just like my mentor to reference some obscure training by a mysterious man no one had ever heard of....just to sit back and watch people try to find him.  

So, I nearly gave up, thinking that it was just a prank...
Then, One Saturday In March, I Got An Email From A Name I Barely Recognized...
I was cleaning out my cluttered Inbox and noticed an email from a man named Gerard Phillips.  

The name rang a bell.  I looked in my inbox and realized that he was my contact at a book-search agency I'd hired a couple of years earlier to find Mr X's book.

I stopped what I was doing and opened his email.  Here's what he said:
Dear Mr. Rush:

I hope you're doing well.  I wanted to touch base with you to let you know of something that might be of interest.

Recently, our firm purchased a number of books at an estate sale.  Our client's husband had passed away and she was looking to sell his books before moving to a smaller house.

I thought of you because a number of his books were by and from early- and mid-century advertisers.  

During the cataloging of the books, we found that some of the inventory were actually not books at all.  They were typewritten documents assembled in binders; what you might refer to as "newsletters" or "reports".  

Normally we don't handle unbound publications of this nature but I noticed the name ___________  on some of them and immediately thought of you.

Attached are a few scanned pages that I had my assistant prepare.  

Could you tell me if this is, by chance, the material you were searching for?  If it is, we'll be happy to arrange to ship you the original documents or we can provide scanning services if you prefer.

Please let me know,

Gerard Phillips
The PDF file he sent me was of three, typewritten pages with Mr. X's name at the bottom.  

Before I even got to the 5th paragraph, I knew what it was the real thing.
The Manuscript Was Real...And I'd Found It.
It turns out the reason this training  had eluded me (and other marketers on the "search") for so long was simple:

"Mr. X" never wrote a book!

Instead, all his training had been written by hand, typed on a typewriter and then mailed out in the form of a newsletter!

That's why no one could find a book....
That's why I couldn't a book listed in the Library of Congress...
That's why the book-search firms couldn't find a book...

Because there wasn't one!  

The training only existed in the form of newsletters.

Until now.

After a lot of legwork, a lot of time on the phone with the U.S. Copyright Office, endless phone calls to surviving family members and business partners...
I Secured Exclusive Worldwide Rights To Privately Publish This Rare and Valuable Material!
As soon as I obtained the rights to this training, I set aside $6,000 in "seed money" to produce a limited print-run to share this priceless manual with select friends and customers.

Simply put:  this is the Holy Grail of direct-response marketing.  

It's a collection of plain, practical newsletters that will show you EXACTLY how Mr. X sold millions of dollars of products during what was arguably one of the toughest economic times in America.

There's no fluff here.  It's "all killer and no filler".  

Mr. X was a clear communicator who not only knew how to make money....he knew how to teach in a clear, practical manner.  
Here's An Example Of His Clear Way Of Teaching Huge Profit Strategies...
An original scan of one of these valuable pages
Those last four paragraphs excite me.  Because it describes a process that I've used in my own life -- time and again -- to create incredible prosperity for my own family!

He also explains how he took that same campaign and "scaled" it so that...
He Was Earning $850 For Every $100 He Spent In Advertising!
And when you consider that Mr. X didn't have the benefit of the Internet or all the automation we enjoy....

....can you imagine what you can do with this information today?

I've already begun to see increased profits in my own business by applying Mr. X's strategies.  

Last month, I added ONE new component to one of my businesses and we immediately saw a whopping 8% increase in cash-flow...without spending a single extra penny on adspend!  

I predict that one adjustment will add at least $400,000 to my bottom-line when I apply it to all my income streams.

And I want you to do the same thing in your business!
For The First Time, You Can Have This Rare and Valuable Collection For Your Own Library!
I'll confess:  I thought about hoarding it. 

I thought about just printing a new, fresh copy for my own use and 

Once I had the rights, I knew that the right thing to do would be to make this available to the kind of marketers who would appreciate its value.

So, I started looking at the best way to distribute it...without throwing these precious pearls before swine.

The original newsletters were in incredibly good shape so, I hired a company to carefully scan every page.  Another company used the latest OCR technology to convert the scanned images into editable text.  From there, I had the entire collection typeset into a more readable format.

My exclusive edition of this manuscript is spiral-bound which makes it easier to handle than the originals. 

I've also had it printed in larger text so it's far easier to read as well.

(By the way, I'm sure you've noticed that I've purposely not revealed any names in this letter nor the name of the training.  This is so that, the lucky few who obtain a copy of this manual may have an opportunity to search for their own original copy if they'd like.)

Once you go through this material for yourself, you're going to know why this reclusive marketing genius was revered by so many of his peers.  

Read these words from the manual for yourself:
An original scan of one of these valuable pages (blurred for privacy)
That's not a typo.  He's talking about conversion rates of 22%...14.7%....and more!

My friend, this is arguably the rarest course on copywriting and direct-response advertising in the world.  

It's absolutely priceless.  My own mentor said that it was literally responsible for his entire career....a career that produced hundreds of millions of dollars in sales!

....and now, you can have your own copy of this rare, valuable marketing manual for your own library.
As I Was Preparing This Letter To You, Something Unexpected Landed In My Lap....
Once I had my hands on the actual manuscripts, there were many company names, products names, etc. to provide me with more clues about the work he did.  

As a result, I ran across a gentleman who had been a customer of his years ago.

Like me, he's a fan of obscure copywriting and he seemed happy to share with me other things he'd found.  
Imagine A Sales Letter...So Brilliantly Crafted That It Silences Every Possible Objection Before It's Raised...
Listen to what this gentleman said:

"Imagine being in the business-opportunity niche and having a sales letter that's so elegantly crafted that it silences every possible objection before it's raised.  T_________'s control letter in that industry has probably earned more money than any direct response or marketing agency 100X times his size."

"At one point, he had over 300,000 customers on his list.  At any given time, when he would release a new product, he knew that 20,000 to 30,000 people were going to buy it.  The man was literally printing money from his kitchen table..."

A few weeks later, my new friend said he had something he wanted to send me and asked for my shipping address.  

That week, the UPS driver brought a package to my door.  In it was an actual, typewritten report called "Sales Letter Formula" written by Mr. X himself.

It's one of the  simplest, most powerful copywriting courses I've ever seen.   It contains the exact formula that he used to sell millions of dollars worth of products and services.  

It's no longer under copyright so, thanks to this man's generosity, I'm able to provide you with your own copy as a BONUS....absolutely free of charge!

Before I tell you how to get your hands on one of these rare and valuable manuals...
Please Don't Mistake My Enthusiasm...
I'm sure you can tell by this letter that this is something I'm really excited about.  

This has been an amazing conclusion to a 3-year search that I was never quite sure how it would turn out.

But, please don't mistake my enthusiasm for a heavy sales pitch.  I've no interest in "hard-selling" you on this.  

In fact, I rather like the idea that there won't be too many copies of this in existence....

At the same time, I'm excited to share this genuine "mystery" with like-minded marketers....because it represents a real-life treasure that really can help you make more money than you can possibly imagine!

So, I'm not going to do a big "close".  
Instead, I'm Doing This Differently.  Here's How It Will Work...
[+]  Firstly, this is not a digital download.    There is ZERO chance that I'm going to post a PDF of this information online....and then watch all the unscrupulous looters, pirates and thieves people pass it around and copy it like a bootleg Whitney Houston CD at a flea-market.  

No way.  I'll lock it in my office and keep it to myself before I'll let that happen.  For that reason...

[+]  This is a physical product that will be shipped to your home or office.   It's over 300 full 8 1/2 x 11" pages, spiral bound.   

I talked to the printer on Friday and he said that, depending on my choice of paper, it might be better to split the manual into two separate volumes.  I'll know more about the format in the next few days.

Either way, you're getting EVERY single word of this amazing collection. Plus, you'll get the additional Sales Letter Formula  bonus I  mentioned above.

[+]  There's a limited number of these Manuals available.   Right now, I've contracted with my printer to produce just 100 copies of this incredible manual.  

It's possible I'm over-estimating the demand for these manuals but I don't think so.  So, when they're gone they're gone.

[+]  You also don't have all the time in the world.  Ask anyone and they'll tell you:  I don't do false scarcity.  When the timer on this page hits ZERO, the offer is closed.  

If they're not sold out by then, that's fine.  I'll put them in storage and sell the remainder some other time, probably at $1,500 each.

Either way, the timer is real.  I hope you won't risk it because, if you come back after this timer hits zero, this offer will be gone.
Okay, if you haven't already dislocated your shoulder scrolling down to the Order button, you're probably thinking....
"So, Tony, You're Probably Charging An Arm and A Leg For This, Right?"
Boy, I sure thought about it.  

I thought about selling this for $1,500.  I kid you not.   

Why not?  

This is an investment in some of the best direct-response training available...and provides a lots of  real-world case-studies that have produced millions of dollar of revenue for Mr. X.....case studies that you can model and adapt for your own business.

But, right now, this is a side-project for me that I'm incredibly enthusiastic about so I'm excited to share it with savvy marketers like myself who appreciate such a treasure.

So, after reviewing the print, design and fulfillment costs and a quick meeting with my business manager...

...we took the lowest price I would normally consider for a physical home-study course ($500) and we HALVED it down to $250.....

....and then took another $50 off just to make it more accessible.

That means...
You Can Have Your OWN Copy Of This Rare and Valuable Training For Just $197!
Simple as that.  No "flash sales" or other weird pricing shenanigans.

Simply place your order with the button below and tell us where to send it....and we'll get your manual and bonuses out to you right away.
And, to make this as RISK-FREE for you as possible....your purchase is backed by my ZERO-RISK, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.

The policy is simple:  take 30 days to study this rare and valuable collection of direct-response training and, if you're not completely satisfied, simply return it for a full refund.  We won't make you jump through hoops.   You have nothing to lose!
Again, you can tell I'm enthusiastic about this.  It's been quite an adventure tracking this information down and I'm happy to be able to offer you your own copy.

More importantly, I'm excited to be able to share with you the "lost secrets" of direct-response marketing as taught by a Master of Masters.  

Mr. X. had a brilliant perspective on how to get people to say 'yes' to a written offer.

How much extra money can you earn by applying this same information in your own business?  

$10,000?  $25,000?  $100,000?
There's just no way to know.  But certainly these methods have earned (and much more) for my own mentor.  

I'll include the whole story when you receive your manual.  But, without saying too much here, my mentor used the same methods you're about to have in your hands and

....and he became the greatest direct-response marketer of his generation.   

At one point, he literally had dozens of people working in his office whose ONLY job was to handle bank deposits for the 20,000 checks that came into his office every month!  He earned millions with these methods.

It's up to you to see what you can do with this same information!

Do NOT squander this opportunity.  

The timer on this page is real and when this offer is gone, it's gone.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to own a rare, valuable and much-sought-after resource that many would pay thousands of dollars to get.

That's it from me.  You already know if you want to be one of the lucky few to own this Manual so there's no need for me to say anything more about it.

Get yours now for just $197 (plus S/H) and we'll ship it out to you ASAP!

To your success!
Tony Rush
Possible Questions:
There are no "Frequently Asked Questions" simply because this has never been offered or made available before.  But, possible questions that might exist:
What's The Author's Expertise?
Mr. X earned his fortune selling information-products. He may have done other things as well but, for the purpose of this conversation, he was an info-marketer, helping people solve problems by providing solutions.

In this manual, you're going to get an "inside look" into one of the sharpest minds in the direct-response and direct-mail industry.  Many of the case studies refer specifically to the "direct mail" industry (since that was the chief medium at the time)...but the same concepts apply beautifully to online and offline marketing today.
What Was His Niche?
I don't know if he had a favorite niche.  When you go through this material, you'll see that he had information products available across a wide range of topics including weight-loss, business opportunity, relationships, spirituality, etc.

Part of what you'll get in this manual are some examples of these products.  I'm including them so that you can study how he applied his methods to his own work, not because I think you need to learn what he's teaching on that particular topic.  

(For instance, one of the reports you'll receive a lesson on earning money that's taught from a religious perspective.  While it's not something that I would necessarily endorse, there is MUCH to be learned from seeing how he applied his methods to a product that was in HOT DEMAND in that niche!)
Is This Applicable To Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Physical Products, Consumables, etc.?
Yes, yes, yes and yes.  

The principles of creating a compelling offer do not change from business model to business model.  It's all the same process.
What's The Format?
What you'll receive is a newly typeset and spiral-bound collection of this rare direct-response and copywriting training.  The material was originally published as monthly newsletters and special reports.  

At the time of this writing, I'm awaiting the final word from my printer on whether the book will be able to easily fit into a single spiral-bound volume....or whether it would be more convenient to publish it as a 2-volume set.  

In either case, not one word will be omitted from the final product and you'll get the same price either way.
Anything Else I Should Know?
Probably the biggest thing that I didn't mention above is that -- even though the course is largely about how to run a profitable direct-response business -- there's also some excellent training here on how to create your own products.

The interesting thing is that his advice is just as relevant today as it was decades ago!  In fact, it was a breath of fresh air to see how he deals with the comment, "But I can't have a product of my own.  I don't have anything to teach that anyone wants to know about."  It's wonderful, inspiring and empowering.

So, while this is not a "product creation" course, the topic is definitely covered.  You'll find it immensely helpful if you're thinking about developing your own information-products.
Anything Else?
In addition to several other niches, Mr. X did a fair amount of work in a market which, today, might be categorized as "the spiritual market".  (Think Catherine Ponder, Joseph Murphy, Joel Osteen, etc.)

While his copywriting and direct-response training is entirely secular in nature, serious students aren't going to be offended by reading real-life case studies that mention God, prayer, etc.  So I'm including them with the Manual as additional study material as an additional bonus.
I Prefer A PDF File.  May I Get All This In A Downloadable Format?
Absolutely not.  
Can I Write You A Check?
Yes, you can.   Mail it to Tony Rush, 909 S. St. Andrews Street, Dothan, AL 36301.  Click the Order button below to get the correct shipping amount for your country. 
Do You Guarantee I Will Make Money If I Buy This Book?
No serious entrepreneur would ask such a question.  If you think that's a valid question, please leave this page immediately.  Seriously.
Can I Order More Than One Copy?
I know why you're asking and I'm the same way.  I often buy two copies of things:  one to use and one to put away for the future or to just collect.  (I have one book by Dai Vernon that I'll likely be able to resell one day for $1,000 or more.  For now, it's wrapped in paper and stored in my office.)

But, for right now, let's just do one (1) per customer.   

Besides, cutting costs as close as I can, the copy you'll receive is intended for real-world, practical use.  It's not a gorgeous, hardcover book that's intended to look pretty on a bookcase.  This is a "working" book.  

If I decide to publish the book in a fancy format in the future (which I doubt), I'll let you know first.
Why Is There A Deadline To Order?
Because I want to ship them all out in the same week. 

Typically, when we ship physical packages, we use a fulfillment company.  But, because of the small print-run, these Manuals are being printed locally and we're shipping them out of our office.  So, I'd prefer to get them all shipped at the same time rather than having them go out a few here....and a few there for weeks on end.

So, if you're reading this page, there's a Manual available for you.  But get it now.  Because when the offer closes, we won't be taking more orders.  
Order Your Copy Now Before The Timer Hits Zero!
P.S.  Don't forget, your purchase is backed by my ZERO-RISK, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.
P.P.S.  For those of you who scroll through the entire letter to get to the P.S., what are you thinking?  Even if you don't take me up on my 30-­day no­-risk, no­-obligation money-back guarantee, go back and read the entire letter. It's a direct marketing education in itself!

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